ICRISAT means business. IMOD means value chain for the poor
MANILA - How do you explain the success of ICRISAT in becoming the #1 institute within the CGIAR universe of 15 international centers for agricultural research? From where I sit, it's the positive & productive interaction of partners, people, science and funds - none more important than the other. It was Team ICRISAT at first, led by Director General William Dollente Dar , working with science, people and funds. Leadership made the local difference. Then it became Team ICRISAT & Partners. Partnership made the global difference. In a chain, the strongest link is the weakest; in science, that's usually funds. In the 65th Governing Board meeting of the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics held at ICRISAT's campus in Patancheru, India held 21-24 September 2011, the GB approved the Institute's Fundraising Plan meant to set into full motion the Business Plan for 2011-2015, considering the revised funding processes and mechanisms of...