The Coop Crusader. A million-dollar challenge to CGIAR
MANILA: Amidst the mega million-peso scandals in my country the Philippines, early this New Year I'm avidly reading the press release that says, "CGIAR doubles funding to $1 billion in five years," that is, from $500 million in 2008 to $1 billion in 2013 (17 December 2013, ). How huge is that amount? Mammoth. If I earned $10 million a year, it will take me 100 years to earn that total! I've for the last 7 years been interested in CGIAR because my favorite ICRISAT is part of it. CGIAR , as it prefers to call itself now, is the old Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research that was based in Washington DC. Having reinvented itself from a consultative group to a proactive body, I understand CGIAR is now based at its new headquarters in Montpellier, France at the campus of Agropolis International. From liberal Washington to Roman Catholic France, I Catholic think that's a good sign; it's like Science getting closer to the Church ...