The business of synergy. Making millions of farmers millionaires?
MANILA: It seemed strange that Director General William Dar of ICRISAT was asked to address on 26 October 2014 a convocation of the 2014 graduating class of the Synergy School of Business (SSB) at Hyderabad in India. ICRISAT's mandate is research in agriculture, specifically in the growing of 5 crops for the drylands of Africa and Asia: chickpea, peanut, pearl millet, pigeon pea, and sorghum. Actually, ICRISAT is also into business partnerships, having the Agri-Business Incubation (ABI) set up at its campus in Patancheru, Telangana, India. In fact, ICRISAT's ABI won the prestigious Asian Association of Business Incubation (AABI) Award in 2008. In January 2014, ICRISAT held a 1-day Agribusiness Fair at its headquarters and was attended by more than 300 agribusiness innovators and entrepreneurs (ANS, 17 January 2014, ). On that occasion, Dar said: ICRISAT nurtures a research for development paradigm, now guided by a strategic framework called Inclusive Market-Oriente...