Sense with a human face. Turning the market economy upside down
MANILA: William Dar was the superlative Team Captain of the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) based in India. Under him, the mantra of ICRISAT was "Science with a human face." Towards the end of his 15-year reign as Director General of ICRISAT, he wrote a book and founded a movement in the same year, 2014. The book is Greening The Grey , subtitled "Expanding The Green Revolution," and the movement is Inanglupa (which is Tagalog for Ina Daga , which is Ilocano for Mother Earth ). (Image: I cut my original scan of the book cover into two and combined them to make one rectangular image, which I prefer.) The book has been written; the movement is beginning to write its story. Now, what story? William Dar's reason for writing Greening The Grey can be found, surprise! on page 180, the last page before the Epilogue, where he says: Can a visionary inspiration of an agricultural scientist make a difference in the life ...