Their BrainPlus IQ Versus My Brain Plus QI

MANILA: Drinking a pill of BrainPlus IQ, does Leonardo Dicaprio have an added brain? Addled is more like it. Befuddled, bewildered. They don't make brains like they used to anymore.

I have just read on Facebook that Leonardo Dicaprio has been taking a pill that enhances the brain, and it's called BrainPlus IQ, by BrainPlus IQ of course (My Film Works,; that link will lead you to CNN. Chris Perry, 17 February 2016, CNN, On top of the CNN webpage, it reads, "SPECIAL REPORT: Leonardo Dicaprio Opens Up About A Brain Enhancing 'Miracle Pill' That Doctors Are Calling 'Viagra For The Brain.'"

Christ Perry quotes ultra-exuberant Gary Stix as saying BrainPlus IQ is "the missing link in human evolution" and that it is "turbocharging the brain."

Dicaprio said that his "unbeatable work ethic and creativity" were in fact the product of "a brain-enhancing pill," which is BrainPlus IQ. Dicaprio says:

It doesn't just give me more energy and mental clarity; it literally zaps me into the zone at any given time without getting stressed or irritated. You don't have to change your daily routines or spend countless hours working. It simply clears up your mind and (lets) you access the intelligence you never knew you had. I've been in this industry for so long and this has helped me focus and bring my A game throughout the years. I was taking this while filming "The Wolf of Wall Street," and also for the upcoming film "The Revenant". Thanks to these pills, I'll be winning an Oscar for my acting in "The Revenant". You heard it here first.

Dicaprio did win the Oscar; the reporter did not say when the interview was done, overwhelmed perhaps by the claim of Dicaprio and that in fact he did win the Best Actor award for The Revenant.

The word revenantmeans one that returns after a lengthy absence, or one who returns after death – American Heritage Dictionary. What all this is telling us is that if you take BrainPlus IQ, your long-time inactive brain will become a revenant.

Dicaprio says, "It doesn't just give me more energy and mental clarity; it literally zaps me into the zone at any given time without getting stressed or irritated." If that thing gives you more energy, your brain will work faster and more and, of course, some things will clear things up. It's not BrainPlus IQ that clears things up; it's your brain activated by more energy. That's why it's called BrainPlus. The second part of the name, IQ, is just added for appeal.

Dicaprio says, "You don't have to change your daily routines or spend countless hours working. It simply clears up your mind and (lets) you access the intelligence you never knew you had." If your body has more energy, the brain has more to work with, and of course you will make you feel you are more intelligent than you actually are.

BrainPlus IQ advertises itself as an "all new natural formula" ( It has Huperzine A. WebMD explains that Huperzine A causes an increase in the level of acetylcholine, which is "one of the chemicals that our nerves use to communicate in the brain, muscles, and other areas" ( I say, if you have more acetylcholine, your gray matter is more alert in communicating with the rest of it, and you think better. The claim is made that BrainPlus IQ is all-natural, but it is not. Huperzine A is extracted from Huperzia serrata, the Chinese club moss. Before it can be used, Huperzine undergoes much laboratory manipulation so that this is a "highly purified drug, unlike herbs that typically contain hundreds of chemical ingredients."

Natural or not, Dicaprio says, "I was taking this while filming 'The Wolf of Wall Street,' and also for the ... film 'The Revenant'." And yes, he won the Oscar for The Revenant.

We are told that BrainPlus IQ has been there for years, but unremarkable and unmoving. Then after several years and 2000 plus trials at The Nottingham Clinical Trials Unit at the University of Nottingham in the UK, BrainPlus IQ has done a revenant with a formula improved by Huperzine A.

Now, Huperzine A "helps maintain proper memory function" by "slowing down the breakdown of acetylcholine, a process that accelerates with aging," says Ray Sahelian, MD (23 November 2015, Acetylcholine plays a vital role, "enabling the delivery of messages from neuron to neuron in your brain." Dr Sahelian says not to take Huperzine A for more than 1 week without medical supervision, as it can accumulate in the body.

BrainPlus IQ itself says, "Science has proven that the human being uses only 10% of the full capacity of your brain, and many methods and supplements are tested daily in order to take advantage of all its power" ( That is from the horse's mouth. Note: methods and supplements. You don't need food supplements to take advantage of the remaining 90% of your genius – all you need is thinking method. And I'm about to teach you how.

"Experts say the majority of humans only use 10% of their brain's potential. What if there was a pill that could unlock the other 90%? Trials have shown that BrainPlus IQ boosts brain power by up to 89.2%, increases focus by up to 121%, and sky rockets your energy levels" (

It will give you moreto think, but it doesn't teach you howto think.

There is a website – – but it will simply sell you BrainPlus IQ, "For support of healthy brain function." It is supposed to give you these 4 added capabilities:

Intense Focus – clears your mind for optimal mental absorption
Mental Clarity – Enhances neurotransmitters in the brain naturally
Cognitive Precision – Store newly learned information more efficiently
Effective Nootropic – Proven scientific formula that works.

What make BrainPlus IQ "brain-enhancing?" Since it gives you more energy, it's brain-enhancing. But there's no proof. That's what you get from BrainPlus IQ, for as much as $300 a bottle.

On his part, Dr Andrew Weil says there are several common side effects of Huperzine A, which is the secret of BrainPlus IQ; count them all! (Andrew Weil, MD, 22 August 2011,

nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, sweating, blurred vision, slurred speech, restlessness, loss of appetite, twitching and contracting of muscle fibers, cramping, urinary incontinence, high blood pressure, and slowed heart rate.

Leonardo Dicaprio, that's what you get for taking BrainPlus IQ at $300 a bottle.

Chris Perry says, "Even more appealing and controversial was how the pills helped men effortlessly attract and seduce beautiful women with their new found quick wit and charm." Actually, the men just had more energy and they had to find ways to spend it productively.  On its part, Forbes recently said BrainPlus IQ is the pill that can turn you into "the quickest thinker on the planet."

On that subject, I am the quickest thinker on the planet, and I don't need BrainPlus IQ, and I have online proof – you can now count at least 2020 long essays uploaded in my blog A Magazine Called Love  ( written and published by me in the last 9 years. That's equivalent to writing 13 essays every 3 weeks, or 1 long essay every other day. My subjects run from A (American) to D (Debates) to G (Grass) to J (Jokes) to M (Management) to P (Partnerships) to S (Systems) to V (Varieties) to Z (Zimbabwe). When I say "long essay," I mean at least 1,000 words, and one that is not hodgepodge or a series of paragraphs broken by lines of asterisks, but each with a coherent Beginning, Middle and End.

No BrainPlus IQ for me. For creative thinking, I have an alternative, and it's 10 times cheaper than one bottle of BrainPlus IQ: learning from Leonardo Dicaprio, I call it Brain Plus QI. In the Chinese alternative belief system, qi (pronounced "chee") is "the vital life force that flows through the body" ( In Chinese medicine, qi "is the life energy force (that) flows around the body via meridians or energy lines" (Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words, Diagram Group,

With the Brain Plus QI method that I will teach you, you will harness the qi for creative thinking. QI, not IQ. Quality Insights, not Intelligence Quotient. Note that the Chinese qi belongs in an alternative belief system; my Brain Plus QI belongs in an alternative creative thinking system.

From now on, I'm going to offer Brain Plus QI as a creative thinking course online and offline. Watch for it here!

According to the University of Minnesota, qi is universal ( It is energy in the very broadest possible sense and it "embraces all manifestations of energy" – material, such as the ground, computer, and flesh; immaterial, such as light, movement, thought. In fact, in Chinese medical classics, it is said that life is a gathering of qi. Applying that, in Brain Plus QI, creativity is the gathering of qi.

You don't need a Viagra for the brain. Brain Plus QI will be 10 times cheaper than BrainPlus IQ and it's available at a WiFi near you. It will boost your brain power 100 times. After taking it once, you don't have to take it again; you don't need a regular supply of QI tablets. Coffee will do it, or beer, and much cheaper! Leonardo Dicaprio says of BrainPlus IQ, "It simply clears up your mind and (lets) you access the intelligence you never knew you had." You don't need a drug to do that.

In creativity, it's the method that counts, not the medicine.


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