The Truth Is Out There, Mr Duterte. (It's Also In My New Book)

MANILA: Particularly in the Philippines, at these times when socially The Truth seems to be The Victim of Violence, you can find assurance of level-headedness in my new book, Facebook Love Science Truth, subtitled For Love, For Science, For Country. I subscribe to the idea that The Truth is worth nothing if it does not serve a social good.

Why should you read Frank A Hilario? Because he is a damn good writer, and he loves his country. And the book is free; you can email me for your complimentary pdf copy, Today is my birthday; the book is my birthday gift to the Filipino people wherever they are. Because I know it is more blessed to give than to receive.

You are looking at the cover of my bookWhy is Facebook in the title, in fact the very first word? Because Facebook invites friendships, connections, and discoveries. With Love, through Facebook we can explore how Science and Truth can serve our beloved nation.

All of 600 plus pages, my new book is a collection of my essays written only this year, from the first day of January to the last day of August 2016 – I stopped to take a breather beginning the first day of my birth month, also to finalize the book. It is dedicated to all of us struggling to confirm The Truth while others struggle to confound it, but it is most especially dedicated to Philippine President Rodrigo Roa Duterte and his advocates, to whom I say:

The Truth is out there.

I'm borrowing that line from The X-Files, of course; I loved David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, because their journey was the viewer's reward, trying to discover The Truth.

With The Truth, the latest entanglement of Mr Duterte is with the collection of his actual pronouncements over the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea) and his actual policies.

The Truth is out there in the South China Sea.

"(Minister Julie) Bishop said Duterte should be questioned over why he does not want to enforce the ruling of the court considering his country brought the case to the court" – ANN (author not named, 14 September 2016, Tankler Julie Bishop is the Australian Foreign Minister. The court is the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) based in The Hague, the Netherlands; the ITLOS had ruled in favor of the Philippine claim to that part of the South China Sea (West Philippine Sea). ANN's report is titled, "Australia: Duterte should be questioned over South China Sea issue." Bishop was "surprised," to say the least. She said:

Well, aren't you surprised that the Philippines is now not going to traverse the territory that the arbitration has just found is in the Philippines EEZ [exclusive economic zone]? And that the arbitration found that China was in breach of the Philippines sovereignty? And now the Philippines have said they withdraw from those contested areas the arbitration has found were within the Philippines EEZ?

If we are not enforcing the decision of the ITLOS, eh di ITLOG dapat ang gantimpala natin. (We deserve an EGG as our reward.)

I thought only the women were entitled to change their mind? But, if truth be told, did Duterte ever change his mind on the question of the Philippine claim to the West Philippine Sea? I do not think so. We just didn't know because we were not asking.

I'm writing now, Thursday, 15 September 2016, revising Friday, but I'm uploading this on my birthday, which now you know. I know the town of Los Baños in Laguna is celebrating the day of my birthday – because the day just happens to be its own birthday. It is also the birthday, the signing of the US Constitution. Did I read somebody saying "Virgos are legendary?" In truth, we make the legends. For instance, I had to write all those hundreds of long essays and publish them online to support my claim: "Frank H, world's most highly original, creative writer online" (see my blog A Magazine Called Love,

I ask now, "What is The Truth, Mr Duterte?" And now, unlike Pontius Pilate, I will stay for an answer.

I have just published my latest book, this one with the subtitle "For Love, For Science, For Country." Mr Duterte, you are not alone in professing love of country. And, you know, come to think of it as I write this, mine is a book about The Truth about climate change, agriculture and empowerment, among other important things, women included. Like:

Climate change? It's not all about energy.
Agriculture? It's not all about food security.
Empowerment? It's not all about increase in income and women.

More than 600 pages of it. (And yes, it's free; anyone can email me for a complimentary pdf copy. My birthday gift to the world; dedicated to those who love their country, and those who don't. Yes, Mr Duterte, you are featured in many chapters, including photographs. You can be sure I went after Love, Science and The Truth.

You can claim the possession of the whole truth and nothing but the truth for all I care, Mr Duterte. But if you want me to accept your version of The Truth, I must be able to see that it stays on top of the sieve of the Rotary 4-Way Test, which in my book is the very first, Chapter 1: "In Truth, Can You Pass The Rotary 4-Way Test?" published on the very first day of January this year in my blog Primate Change. (This one is the very last chapter of the book.)

(1) Is it the TRUTH?
(2) Is it FAIR to all concerned?
(4) Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

You always claim to speak The Truth, Mr Duterte, even if you don't use the word, and I do not begrudge you that. As President of your country with vast powers, you should know better. But you never ever stay or entertain the 2nd question, and the 3rd question, and the 4th question. Why?

"Rodrigo Duterte's Policy Shifts Confound US Allies" – Trefor Moss (14 September 2016, The Wall Street Journal,

A rash of anti-American outbursts from Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has jolted US allies in Asia, raising doubts about his commitment to a US-LED military alliance seeking to counter an increasingly assertive China – while leaving Beijing wary as well. ¶ Allied governments from Washington to Tokyo to Canberra are struggling to understand whether Mr Duterte's tough talk is merely hot air or if he really intends to cut loose from their decades-old partnership.

"Duterte's Tilt Toward China Risks Upending US Strategy In Asia" – David Tweed & Norman P Aquino, 15 September 2016,

Just when some of China's neighbors were seeking to curtail its expansionism, along came Rodrigo Duterte. ¶ In less three months on the job, the 71 year-old Philippine leader has used expletives in talking about US President Barack Obama and vowed to end cooperation with the US military in both fighting terrorism and patrolling the disputed South China Sea. He's moved to boost economic and defense ties with China and Russia.

Now, because the times call for it, because of the confusion of causes, contentions, communications and conflicts of interests, I now find the Rotarian 4-Way Test inadequate; I am now revising it into what I call Frank A Hilario's 5-Star Guide to The Truth, adding a 5th element to the 4-Way Test:

(1) Is it true?
(2) Is it fair?
(3) Is it of goodwill and building friendships?
(4) Is it beneficial to all?
(5) Is it free?

Is it, is it, is it, is it, is it!?

True? It must be accurate.
Fair? It must be rational.
Good? It must be fruitful.
Beneficial? It must be good for all.
Free? It must be open.

Free, open, permitted, welcome. The Truth must be free for all to possess. If the claim is for the good of all, therefore The Truth cannot be a State Secret. The people must be able to embrace it knowingly.

If I may apply my own 5-Star Guide, I will give your Federalism a rating of 5 Stars, Mr Duterte. For the burial of Ferdinand Edralin Marcos at the Libingan ng mga Bayani, I will give you 4 Stars – you will have to struggle with building goodwill and friendships. For your War on Drugs, I would give you 5 Stars if not for the extra-judicial killings that now accompany that war.

The question of China is of a different nature.

What is The Truth about China, Mr Duterte? Is it clear-cut? Is it reasonable? Will it be productive? Will it benefit all? Will it be accessible?

If we forsake our alliances with the US, Japan and Australia and nurture a new one with China, how will it measure against the 5-Star Guide to The Truth?

In a democracy, The Truth must be free for all to pursue and to possess. If the claim is for the good of all, The Truth cannot be claimed to be a State Secret. The people must be able to embrace it knowingly. Then I will embrace The Truth.

Otherwise, Mr Duterte:
The Truth will not set you free!

What about us? Otherwise, Mr Duterte:
The Truth will not set us free!

17 September 2016. Essay word count, excluding this line: 1577


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