Agot Isidro Inspires Me To Go More Mental. I Now Present The Kick Ass Alphabet

MANILA: Agot Isidro as a Filipina temptress was on the cover of Women's Health Magazine July 2010; she was hot, no bra; and 6 years later she is hotter still – hot news. If you don't know yet, Agot Isidro is the girl who told Du30 on Facebook among other things this: "I know a doctor. Have yourself checked. You are not bipolar. You are a psychopath." (Her first 2 sentences are my translation from the Tagalog original.) Then De La Salle Professor Antonio Contreras castigated Ms Agot in no controlled terms, and my calculated response was to write "Contrary To Contreras, Actress Isidro Is Bold & Right & Bright – Beautiful!" (11 October 2016, Common Cause, Some friends may have dropped Ms Agot like a hot potato, but not me – I'm always desirous of a hot idea.

Now Ms Agot has further charmed me into concocting and writing about what I shall now call The Kick Ass Alphabet (Patriotic People Going Mental From A to Z), subsequently that which I have found to be a new unheralded but true intellectual habit that is encouraged among the masses by demagogues in the Philippines as well as in the United States of America. Like, think Rodrigo Duterte, think Donald Trump too! As I see it, on her Facebook post Ms Agot, a star in Philippine cinema in film and on TV, is trying to tell more than 16 million of us who voted for Du30 to regenerate our rogue mentality and renounce all manners of thinking that go from A to Z, that is, to repudiate the Kick Ass Mentality and reject:

The Kick Ass Alphabet

Going Mental A: Abnormal Calls for Abnormal
When your Leader acts in an abnormal manner, you are encouraged to Assume and Act like him. A is for Applause. He Appreciates more. A is for Ape. A is for Acquiescing. A is for Alleluia!

Going Mental B: Bluster & Bravado
When your Leader comes out with another Bluster or acts with Bravado even when it's not called for, you are encouraged to Believe him. Like when he says, "We can survive without the help of those Bastards." You shout, "Bravo!" Barack Obama and the Blacks can go to the Bermuda Triangle. Or the British.

Going Mental C: China Is Compassionate
When your Leader says we can depend on China for aid in times of need, you are encouraged to Clap for that Country, Cancel out Culture. Count the pluses, Chuck the minuses. Chin up!

Going Mental D: Du30 Is Infallible
When your Leader acts like the Pope, whom he has insulted, you are encouraged to Defer to that contention, no questions asked. Deny fallibility. Duh! Drill that into your head. Derail any effort to prove otherwise. Do not Discuss – instead, Debunk all those Destroyers of the Du30 faith.

Going Mental E: Economics Is Only Food
When your Leader says Enabling Food Security is the #1 priority of government when it comes to people, you are Encouraged to work towards that Effort to the neglect of all other Exigencies like Elimination of poverty among farmers. Enjoy your Eats!

Going Mental F: Fear Factor
When your Leader strikes Fright into the Feelings of those who have Frustrated the law, and even those who have Followed it, you are encouraged to Felicitate him. Follow the Leader!

Going Mental G: Gordon Sanitaire. Off Limits
When your Leader decides to stop a Senate investigation into extrajudicial killings because, as he says, there is no proof that the Government is behind those killings, you are encouraged to Generate a "Thank Goodness" Senator Dick Gordon Gesticulation. G is for Gratitude.

Going Mental H: Hail To The Chief!
When your Leader Hits a country because he Hates it, you are encouraged to Heap praises and say, "Hark, the Herald Head Has something to say!" H is for Hosanna in the Highest.

Going Mental I: Insult Is Flavor Of The Mouth
When your Leader throws Invectives at another Imperial leader, you are encouraged to Imitate him, as Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. You are an Idiot if you Improvise.

Going Mental J: Joke Only
When your Leader Jests as he claims and realizes that it maddens people, you are encouraged to Junk all other choices and Justify him by saying people have to read between the lines of what he has said. Just so I said. If you don't follow, you're a Jerk.

Going Mental K: Kick Them All
When your Leader says, "Kick them to Kingdom come," you are encouraged to Kowtow to the wishes of the King. The Littlest Knowledge is the Kindest thing.

Going Mental M: My Method Is A Must
When your Leader says, "I dictate the Manner and Means, not to mention the Materials, by which we will pursue progress in this country under my Management," you are supposed to Mobilize the Masses under your influence to Mimic the Methods Mentioned by the Manager. This Man knows More than Mother knows best.

Going Mental N: Numbers Don't Count
When your Leader says, "Deaths are just Numbers, and you don't count. Neutralization of the drug lords is Number 1 Now. Nobody moves against me," you are encouraged to say Neat things about it. Nice if you can get it!

Going Mental O: Opposition Be Damned
When your Leader says, "All those Opposed, say 'Oh yeah,'" you are encouraged to Obey first before you complain. In fact you are Obliged.

Going Mental P: Police Brutality Is Necessary
When your Leader says, "Patrol the Premises and Protect the Police. Punish anyone Protesting when on the Path to Prison," you are encouraged to Proceed as instructed and Proclaim victory over Pushers and Peddlers of Prohibited drugs. Push on! Put up the Placards!

Going Mental Q: Quit Bugging Him
When your Leader says, "We must be Quick in solving the drug problem. I have been Quoted as promising 6 months to Quash it, so Quaff from the spring of my wisdom!" you are encouraged to proceed and fill up your Quota of Quantity accomplishments. Don't Quote him, but follow him. Quick thinking will also help you in your Quiet endeavors.

Going Mental R: Rise, Roman Catholics!
When your other Leader says, "Rage! Rage against the dying of the light!" you are encouraged to convince your Rogue Roster of friends that it's time to Rebel against the Right. Ride on!

Going Mental S: Serving a Master
When your Leader says, "I Serve the Nation, so you must Serve me," you are encouraged to Simply Surrender to his Smarts. He is the Servant Master.

Going Mental T: Trust Me
When your Leader says, "I know all the Tactics necessary for this one. Trust me, I know what I'm doing," you are encouraged to Think that all the bases are covered, all Techniques considered. You must not Treat it like a joke!

Going Mental U: Understanding Media
When your Leader says, "I Understand the media; it's the media that don't Understand me," you are Urged to Uphold the Universal truth of that Utterance.

Going Mental V: Virtues Vs Verities Vs Voice of the People
When your Leader says, "I know the Virtues, but this time let us concentrate on the Verifiable Verities," you are encouraged to give your Viva Voce. Virtues are qualities, verities are quantities like zero traffic – your Leader chooses which Voice speaks for the people.

Going Mental W: Waiting for Godot
When your Leader acts as if he were the Messiah everyone has been Waiting for, you are encouraged to Wake up to that Wonderful reality, don't Wonder Why, and don't Wander as you go that Way.

Going Mental X: eXcellence Is Not In The Details
When your Leader says, "Excellence is not in the details," you are encouraged to eXplain him to people, and eXpress yourself to others as if you were him. You have to be a Xerox copy of him.

Going Mental Y: Youths Don't Count
When your Leader says, "I want a drug-free Philippines in 6 months," You are encouraged to deal with the Young drug users like You deal with convicted killers: Yank them out of their hallucinations and never mind Yahweh, Yes? Yearning for highs is bad for them. Drug use counts; a Youth doesn't if he doesn't know how to count his days. Yahoo!

Going Mental Z: Zero Options
When your Leader says, "There are Zero options! Just follow me!" you are encouraged to Zap all other thoughts and not think further than he has already done. He is after all a genius. "Zip is what I tell you, there can be no other Zip while I'm around here. Or would you rather I send you down the Zambesi River? If you are Zealous and Zip your mouth and you are Visayan, then you can eat all the Zea mays you want!" He means what scientists call corn in their hideous language. Maize can provide amazing eats security, Zilch food anxiety. If you want it, you can have corn on the cob. All in all, as a Zealot, you take it as if your Leader is thinking about Zion, or talking Zen. You must give a Zillion thanks! @

19 October 2016. Essay word count, excluding this line: 1547
